AO3 to Pinboard Bookmarklet Generator

This bookmarklet will open the new bookmark window on, including all metadata you've selected below in the tag field and including any text you've selected as the description.

Instructions for this form: Check the options you like (some of them have additional options), then click the button at the bottom. This form requires Javascript to run.

Feedback to


Removes text in parentheses from the end of the tag.

If this is not checked, it will always use the username.

%words% will be replaced with the work wordcount

%series% will be replaced with the work's series line.

- adds view_full_work=true to the bookmarked URL, when necessary

- adds view_adult=true to the bookmarked URL, when necessary


- only if no text on the page is selected.

Note: Tested in latest versions of Firefox and Chrome.

Credits: Original Pinboard bookmarklet from Pinbord How-To.