AO3 → Dreamwidth Bookmarklet

I mostly made this for my own use. When you click it on an AO3 Work it will use the information from the Share button to make a new DW post with the work metadata in the body. You will be able to edit it before posting.

Bookmarklet for the new (beta) Dreamwidth post page - supports including quoted text below the work meta inside a blockquote tag:

Post to Dreamwidth

Original bookmarklet, for the old update.bml post page:

Post to Dreamwidth (Original)

Instructions for use:

  1. Install the bookmarklet in your browser. (For more information, see How to Use Bookmarklets.)
  2. Go to any works that you wish to share on Dreamwidth.
  3. Click on the bookmarklet. A new Dreamwidth entry window will open containing the work's share information.

Note: This bookmarklet loads jQuery from Google's CDN. If you want to use your own URL, feel free to replace it.

Original LJ bookmarklet from the LJ website. Original Dreamwidth version by dracodraconis. jQuery loaded into bookmarklet using Ben Alman's jQuery Bookmarklet Generator.