Web Keyboard Shortcuts

Adds keyboard shortcuts to navigate up and down posts using the j and k keys. Currently supports the following web sites:

  • Archive of Our Own works listings
  • Dreamwidth reading pages, LiveJournal friends feed
  • Pinboard.in bookmark lists.
  • Pillowfort (beta: see below)
  • Suggestions welcome!

Comments/bugs to flamebyrd@gmail.com.


Not sure what a userscript is or how to install it in your browser? Check out the OpenUserJS Userscript Beginners How-To.


By default, the shortcuts are: j to go to the next entry, k to go to the previous entry. To change these, please modify the options at the start of the script. If you'd like a new site to be supported, please let me know!


You can access a beta version of this script for Pillowfort.io here: https://random.fangirling.net/assets/scripts/pillowfort_keyboard_shortcuts.user.js